ITPAC Meeting Information Items: February 19, 1999

Last edited March 31, 1999 by Fedro S. Zazueta.

Goals and Strategies for IT

Just a reminder... these are the goals and strategies for UF/IFAS-IT for this fiscal year. This document was developed for UF/IFAS-IT's internal use to maintain a focus on priorities and alignment with the UF/IFAS mission.

Adoption of NT as Primary OS Platform

As a result of the resolution to adopt NT as the primary operating platform, IT was asked to conduct a survey and determine the related conversion costs [24KB pdf]. The cost of licenses would be $2,267.13 to convert current Novell systems to Windows NT. However the main issue is not that of the modest cost related to licenses but those related to the removal of Novell and installation of NT, with the consequent perturbations to business and academic processes. A strategy for conversion to NT needs to be developed.

Y2K Report

A report on Y2K activities in UF/IFAS [12KB pdf] was sent to the provost's office.

Y2K Small Business Initiative

Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES), Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and Small Business Administration are working cooperatively to prepare a series of workshops and materials to assist small businesses and agriculture in preparing for the next millennium. A strategy has been developed [24KB pdf] to coordinate with these groups to deliver the information to Florida clients.

IT Mission Statement

The following mission statement was submitted to Dr. Larry Arrington to be included in the document outlining the long-term planning effort recently undertaken. The document [16KB pdf] includes brief statements on the mission of the unit, its major functions, staffing and organizational structure, Major trends in the past and next five years.

Recurring Costs for County Connectivity

During this year a large number of county extension offices were wired and equipped with a LAN. Also, equipment (routers and DSU's) is available to connect up to 16 of these units to the Internet. However, because lack of funds recurring the counties must underwrite expenses. Quotes for these values are have been placed on the UF/IFAS IT-NS web page. Also, a report on the current status of County Office connectivity [52KB pdf] is available.

Reports by area:

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