Office of Information Technologies Goals, Guidelines & Strategies Statement: 1998-1999


  • Achieve better integration of IT areas.
  • Increase effectiveness of services delivered.
  • Increase efficiency of resource utilization.

IT Policy Guidelines

  • Initiate cross-area projects.
  • Increase participation of staff in area direction.
  • Formalize advisory communication channels between IT, IFAS and external stakeholders.
  • Seek external resources.

Area-Specific Strategies

Business Systems

  • Initiate shift to Web-based application development.
  • Reduce NERDC-related expenditures from $300K to $150K by June 2000.

Customer Support

  • Develop a strategy and implementation plan based on funding available plan by the end of the first quarter of FY98-99.
  • Develop a feedback mechanisms to insure that training program design and delivery is relevant to UF/IFAS needs.
  • Integrate computer support across different areas.

Network Systems

  • Establish Windows NT as the primary network platform by June 2001.
  • Establish platforms needed to integrate with university-wide systems, such as GatorLink.

Research & Development

  • Decrease participation in production systems.
  • Initiate a mentoring program on Web-based approaches for design, development and maintenance of software systems, for all programming staff.
  • Increase resources used in R&D.
  • Explore creative arrangements with the private sector for application development.
  • Identify development tools and IDE’s for IT areas to standardize on.

Software Systems

  • Assume full ownership of program production systems by June 1999.
  • Explore new markets and delivery channels for software products.
  • Establish an Advisory Committee for the IFAS Home Page and Web site.
  • Establish a groupware platform for electronic collaboration.

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